Once thought of as a barren wasteland, people are beginning to recognize the incredible biodiversity and importance of the Canadian Arctic.

Acting not only as an iconic piece of our culture and identity as Canadians, but the Arctic is also a natural “carbon sink”, helping prevent large amounts of our burning fossil fuels leaking into the atmosphere.

However, the Arctic may be fighting a losing battle against climate change. Rising temperatures are causing southern plant and animal species to invade the north, disrupting the biodiversity of the region. Melting ice is opening up the Northwest Passage to shipping sooner, which brings invasive species, garbage and disruption to the native wildlife.

Despite these challenges, there are reasons to be optimistic. As Canadians come to appreciate the Arctic more, they will discover how much it has to offer them, and the world.

Read more about the True North and the challenges it’s facing in the latest edition of Canadian Wildlife magazine, Jul + Aug 2018 edition.

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