Travelling Canada’s vast country can be a challenge, especially if you run out of energy. But Kent Rathwell, president and founder of Sun Country Highway is trying to change that.

His company has installed over 1,000 charging outfits across the country, making an emissions-free coast not only theoretically possible, but viable. “There is no other electric-vehicle infrastructure like this in the world,” he said.

Sun Country’s approach to building the longest network of electric chargers in the world is unique, offering them often for free or via sponsorships to any business or office who wants them.

“This was built out by average people, small business and families. If average people can do this, what else can they do?” – Kent Rathwell, president and founder of Sun Country Highway

According to Rathwell, this direct person-person approach has allowed the project to grow faster and more effectively. Plans for expansion include the USA, at first down the Pacific Coast, and a deal has been made to bring the project to Iceland.

Read more about Sun Country Highway and how they’re connecting Canada’s electric car users from coast to coast in Canadian Wildlife magazine, Jan + Feb 2015 edition.

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